We are often contacted by patients and grateful family members and friends keen to make a donation to say thank you for the care they receive at Conquest Hospital. The Friends relies on generous donations to help fund medical equipment and better facilities for patients, staff and visitors beyond what the NHS can provide.
Here are some of the ways you can support us:
Gift Aid: If you are making a personal donation (i.e. money not collected as part of a group), we can claim back the tax you have already paid on your donation, at no extra cost to you. This means that for every £1.00 you donate, we will receive an addition 25 pence. This only applies if you are a UK taxpayer.
Post a donation: If you wish to make a donation by post, please make your cheque or postal orders payable to “The Friends of Conquest Hospital” and send to: The Friends of Conquest Hospital, Conquest Hospital, The Ridge, St Leonards on Sea, TN37 7RD